Just because NAR/CAR decrees something doesn’t mean anyone can enforce it! Few agents will continue to lose buyers just to be good “NAR” soldiers.

I hope I’ve built enough “street cred” with you that you won’t shoot the messenger (me) and read until the end.

I wanted to post this before the BRBC was published, but I felt most agents wouldn’t hear it, as NAR/CAR was preaching “hope.”

Shawshank Redemption – Hope is a Dangerous thing…

NAR/CAR has been trying to convince agents that this “buyer broker’s contract” was “really a good thing.” It’s not, and we all know it. 

Within 48 hours, the next day’s post will be “Why the BRBC is not ENFORCEABLE’ (two very different issues).

Within another day, after that, I’ll follow up that post with an (edited) Inman post that I need to edit down from 2500 words to 500 or so, titled”

“The Toughest Questions to Grill Your Sales Manager With.”

Yeah, it’s not titled that, but you get the picture. Don’t let your sales manager sales manager “deflect. deny, and distract” and not answer these complex questions. They had a lot of practice in the last year since the Sitzer case.

Moving Forward!

The First Rule in Sales: “Sell Your Sales People”

Using terms such as “show your worth” and “just educate the buyer,” NAR and CAR have done an excellent job of  (allegedly) gas-lighting agents by creating a “narrative of “we got this”

Come Aug 17th, that Illusion Will Be Shattered;

Agents who try to comply will be out-maneuvered and outsold.

Here’s how:

  • Reality Check #1: Buyers want to see the Home -Not be Educated in “Sales Contracts. Period.

They don’t care about your “challenges, protocols, or settlements”;  they want to see the ____ home(s)—like yesterday! If you can’t – someone will!

If you insist upon a BRBC, the potential buyer will call the listing agent or find an agent who is unaffected by the settlement or doesn’t care.

“The Past is Prologue” – Shakespeare “The Tempest”

Besides one-party showings, how many buyer agreements have you EVER had signedAnd if you did, how many concluded in a sale? Few, I’d wager!

Few buyers will sign a five-page CAR contract with many blank spaces and legalese that puts them on the hook for tens of thousands of dollars.

Why should they? Not every agent out there is a “Realtor,”

Or, they’ll find an agent (your competition) who says: “Screw NAR; “You (buyers) can sign the BRBC when you write an offer for your dream home.”

That will be a strong selling point for smaller independent brokerages, and franchisors will lose market share to them. So will you! It will take just a few lost buyers for even the staunchest NAR members to say “kick rocks.”

  • Reality Check #2 Zillow’s New Touring Agreement Helps Agents Stay Ahead of NAR Settlement Changes!

Some agents may decide on a (interim) more straightforward approach while still “complying” with the NAR settlement.

Technically, you just need some agreement; to “show homes,” it doesn’t have to be a CAR’s BRBC while being “in compliance’.

Few (if any) listing agents will impede a buyer broker from showing a home by demanding to see a buyer broker agreement. The “LA’s job is to sell the house and get paid, not enforce the NAR’s settlement.

  • Reality Check #4: Contracts are only as good as those who sign them. Even when signed, they can’t be enforced. That’s a post for the next day or so.

Daniel Dobbs (.org)
Mutual Home Mortgage
Cell: 949 250-3981
DRE # 00986886 …..NMLS# 307631