CFPB Targeting SoCal Agents & MLOs for Respa OffensesProspective buyers most likely to rank understanding mortgage costs among their top challenges

About half (56%) of prospective buyers said that understanding all of the costs associated with a mortgage and home payment was among the top 3 most difficult parts of financing a home purchase. Understanding how much they can afford followed (45%) then researching mortgages and rates (41%).

Prospective buyers were least likely to rank understanding their credit report and credit score (25%) among their top 3 difficulties.

Share of prospective buyers that said each was among their top 3 most difficult home financing activities
Understanding all of the costs associated with a mortgage and home payment 56%
Understanding how much I can afford 45%
Researching mortgages and rates 41%
Improving my credit score 37%
Pre-approval process 35%
Locating necessary documents 32%
Finding a mortgage lender 29%
Understanding my credit report and credit score 25%