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The following draws partially from a post by Kelsey Ramírez, who writes for HousingWire, an online magazine! Although the myths are specific, the original post does not illustrate how each agent should counter them in the relationship regarding their own career.
So I’ve listed ‘debunking strategies” agents can use to neutralize the myths in their presentation.
NAR: 5 Myths About RE Agents Debunked
The real estate industry has its fair share of stereotypes and myths, but a new report from the NAR has debunked some of those myths.
According to the organization’s 2018 Member Profile survey, memberships at NAR increased 6% over the past year, rising from 1.22 million in 2017 to 1.3 million in 2018.
The report shows that the number of new entrants to the real estate market is rising. In 2017, 29% of its members reported having less than two years of experience in real estate, compared to 28% in 2017.
Here are five myths that NAR’s recent survey debunks about agents!
1. Part-time: With its flexible hours & unconventional work times, it’s easy to assume agents work only part-time, especially considering agents with 2 years (or less) in the industry currently make just $8,330 per year.
According to NAR’s survey, most Realtors work 40 hrs. per week, a trend that has continued for several years.
Debunking Strategy: Stress your own experience. If you’re just starting, stress the expertise you bring to your position or the years of experience you and your team members have.
2. Uneducated: While most states don’t require agents to hold degrees, the survey shows that the typical agent has a bachelor’s degree or attended some college.
However, it does show that 16% of its members previously held a career in management, business, or the financial sector.
Another 16% were previously in sales or retail, while just 5% reported real estate as their first career.
Debunking Strategy: Get as many real estate-related accreditations as possible. Do you have a degree or certification from a university or any education or trade school related to real estate? Then, include those in your presentation as well.
3. Multiple careers: Back to the assumption that Realtors work only part-time and that the first few years could pull in very minimal earnings, many assume that agents have more than one profession.
The survey, however, shows that 72% of Realtors said real estate was their only occupation, which jumps to 82% when only looking at agents with 16 or more years of experience.
The survey also showed that Realtors with 16 years or more of experience earn an average of $78,750 annually.
Debunking Strategy: In today’s world, everyone has had multiple careers. If they are real estate-related, point that out to potential clients, as it demonstrates a well-rounded life.
4. Inexperienced: While real estate is sometimes viewed as a profession that attracts many people but where most have little experience, the survey showed that a typical Realtor has about 10 years of experience.
Not only do they have experience selling and buying homes for others, but they also have personal experience, as about 83% of Realtors own their primary residence.
Debunking Strategy: Provide letters of reference from past clients and reviews from social media. Please don’t rely on potential clients searching for them. Don’t be afraid to “sing your own song”- no one else will.
5. Technologically Challenged: The real estate industry remains significantly behind in technology use.
However, many Realtors still capitalize on the technology they do have despite the aging agent population.
Approx. 51% of agents reported having a website for at least 5 years, 9% said they have a real estate blog, 71% use Facebook, and 59% use LinkedIn for professional use.
Ask your colleagues which are most effective for their presentations and be prepared to use your phone for client demonstrations!
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