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Light a Green Light “for a Vet” Honor Heroes!
Home/Light a Green Light “for a Vet” Honor Heroes!
Light a Green Light “for a Vet” Honor Heroes!Daniel Dobbs2025-03-07T15:08:33-08:00
With many of our heroes returning home – there’s a movement to let Vets know we honor their service, sacrifice of themselves and their families! When they serve, so do their families!
Known as the “Greenlight Movement” you, family, friends and anyone in your orbit, can get involved with a simple act of kindness!
Change 1 light in a visible location in a home/office to “green”, & keep it lit every day as a symbol of support & appreciation for vets.
Put your light on the map. Post your light on the Greenlight A Vet map to ensure every veteran nationwide can see your support.
Share Your Support!
Inspire others to join the cause by taking a picture of your green light and sharing it on social media using #greenlightavet.
One other way you can help: Change your Fb profile pic:
Click on this link to make your Facebook profile picture glow green in support of our veterans.