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77 R.E. “One-Liners” to Motivate Clients!
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77 R.E. “One-Liners” to Motivate Clients!Daniel Dobbs2025-03-05T18:00:47-08:00

Virtually every transaction reaches a point where buyers/sellers need to make a decision or the agent needs to signal the transaction is dead gently.
I recently stumbled upon a website featuring the best “ 77 one-liners” (and a few of the worst) I’ve heard in 35 years.
Virtually every transaction reaches a point where buyers and/or sellers need a gentle “push” to go forward.
Or, the agent needs to gently signal the transaction is dead (in the hopes it is resurrected at a later date) and
1. “Buyers are liars.”
2. “If you sleep on it, you will not [or “you might not”] sleep in it.”
3. “Help me help you make money
4. “The market speaks to every seller, but few listen.
5. “You’re not paying me to lie to you.”
6. “I don’t want to price it high and chase the market; I’d rather price it right and let it chase us.”
7. “Don’t buy the wrong house because it has the right finishes.”
8. “If an agent walks in and tells you what he can sell your home for, he is either guessing or lying, and both should disqualify that person as a professional.”
9. “I’ve got buyers interested in your area.”
10. “Is there any reason for us not to move forward?”
11. “I don’t show houses. I sell houses.”
12. “I reduce my commission every time we reduce your price to sell!”
13. “Just because you pour syrup on something doesn’t make it pancakes.”
14. “I’m no photographer, but I can picture you in this house.”
15. “I can tell you what you want to hear or what you need to know.”
16. “Your house is worth what it’s worth. Not what you want it to be worth.”)
17. “Do I have your permission to be completely honest
18. “… And I return phone calls
19. “I look at a hundred deals a day, I pick one.”
20. “Your house smells like cat pee.”
21. “Ninety percent of the people in the world hate wallpaper — the other 10 percent hate your wallpaper.”
22. “Mr. and Mrs. Seller, we are in a price war and a beauty contest, and for us to sell your home fast, we have to win at both.”
23. “If the medicine you’re taking isn’t working, taking more of it or taking it for a longer period of time won’t change the outcome.”
24. “What’s more important to you, what the buyer who saw your home thinks or what the dozens of buyers who choose not to see your home think?”
25. “Coffee is for closers.”
26. “Good things are seldom cheap. And cheap things are seldom good.”
27. “The price we set will sell your home or your neighbor’s. Which would you prefer?”
28. “I’m not in the business of listing homes, and I’m in the business of selling them.”
29. “How’s that working for you?
30. “It’s a process.”
31. “Do you want to put an offer in on a house, or would you like to buy your home?”
32. “There are no emergencies in real estate.”
33. “Buy low. Sell high. And marry bread
34. “An expired listing means you were the highest bidder for your home
35. “And, ultimately, what will that do for you?”
36. “So play the tape all the way through; where does that lead?”
37. “Don’t play me, play the lotto.
38. “It’s better to hurt you with the truth than comfort you with a lie.”
39. “There is only one color in real estate, and it’s green!” (An allusion to fair housing laws;
40. “Do you want to price your home to sell or do you want to price your home to sit?”
41. “If its and buts were chips and nuts, we’d have one heck of a party.”
42. “You can’t sell what you can smell
43. “When you allow me to do my best, this will be your last time on the market
44. “I don’t have a crystal ball.”
45. “Nice shoes. Want to buy a house?”
46. “Sixty percent of the time it works every time.”
47. “I have a question about the offer you submitted — what half of the home is your buyer attempting to buy?”
48. “Tell me, are your buyers really expecting to buy the house for this amount or do they just want to open negotiations?” (Delivered by a listing agent to a buyer’s agent who submits an offer below a home’s asking price;
49. “My services are free to you
50. “Is he a looker or a buyer
51. “The third showing is the new second showing.”
52. “Cozy step-saving kitchen
53. “It’s always better to buy Real estate and wait than to wait and buy real estate.”
54. “You make a living selling real estate but you get wealthy buying real estate
55. “It’s always better to be someone’s first love, second spouse and third listing agent.”
56. “I’m never too busy for your referrals.” —(“Most overused phrase!”)
57. “I’ve been in the business for XX years
58. “I’m not going to tell you what you want to hear; I’m going to tell you what you need to hear if you want to get your home sold.”
59. “Money talks. Bullshit walks.”
60. “Buy the best; you only cry once.”
61. “If a low offer happens in a forest of full-price offers, did the low offer ever happen?”
62. “I’d rather say ‘no’ to 10 low offers than ‘yes’ to none!”
63. “I’m not a salesman; I’m a matchmaker. I introduce people to homes until they fall in love with one; then, I’m a wedding planner.”
64. “List price doesn’t determine market value; it only determines how long your house will be on the market.”
65. “What four-letter word does an agent use when a deal falls apart? Next!”
66. “How we sell our home and live in our home are two very different things.”
67. “Put dollars in one hand and the days left in your life in the other and you decide which is more important.
68. “If your business depends on distressed property deals, you have a business in distress.
69. “Getting a buyer’s agent to represent you will be the best money you ever spent!”
70. “This may not be the offer you want, but it’s the offer you’ve got!”
71. “I work for free until the closing.
72. “I work for my clients, not my commission.
73. “The market is rejecting your price.”
74. “That guy sold you a two-story home. One story before you bought it and an entirely different story after you closed.”
75 “This is a ‘maintenance-free home’.” (in reference to a rundown home,
76. “I’m a Realtor, not a magician
77. “My crystal ball is in the shop