Real estate and lending deadlines are like a line of dominoes—when the first one falls, it has a synergistic effect on all subsequent actions.

But with time management, prepping the client with info, and knowing where/how specific dates affect your client, you can get a 5-figure comm check while setting up a lifetime of repeat business and referrals.

Banking Holidays

Anytime the Federal Reserve or State government offices are closed, so are all institutional lenders; County Recorders will also be closed, leading to many title and escrow companies shutting down.

National Holidays and Festivities 

Reduced service levels run deeper than just banking holidays. Cultural festivities” can impact service levels as well.

But, unlike a client’s birthday or anniversary which can be planned for, many holidays are “en masse” societal events affecting everyone’s role in the transaction.

U.S Dept of Labor Statistics  Data on absences from work

It’s NOT just your staff causing delays- buyers and sellers are just as guilty of self-inflicted delays as anyone else.

For Example: 

When does a 30-day COE become a 35-40-day COE? It’s usually over the 4th of July holiday. 

The “4th” is (often) seen as the first long “get travel time” and follows a cycle of “Moms-Dads-Grads and Memorial Days activities, with more extended family vacations reserved for later during the summer.

The “4th” usually entails travel, family activities, and often copious amounts of alcohol as fireworks fill the air.

And the “4th is not exclusively celebrated on the Friday/Monday Calendar days. Few of your clients will be working the day before (Monday) or all that is “with it” on July 5.

In 2025, Friday’s “4th” falls, further impeding any quick COEs. If an offer is accepted on June 4, and there is a 30-day COE, it is unlikely that COE will happen on time, despite everyone’s best efforts.

How Did March Madness Affect Work Productivity?

Other “cultural phenoniums” are also disruptive factors in the COE timeline.

Super Bowl Can Mean Super Absences the Next Day

Betting Pools, College Bowl Games, March Madness, and Superbowl Mondays are just several examples.

Counting Backwards from COE
So, before you write an offer for a quick close, factor in these dates.

2025 Holidays and SOI Marketing Opportunities 

January 1 Monday, New Year’s Day

January 2o, Monday College Football Championship

January 20, Monday, ML King Jr. Day

February 9, Super Bowl Sunday

February 17, Monday, Presidents Day

March 18 Tuesday: March Madness Begins

March 31, Monday, Caesar Chavez Day (Calif.)

April 5-7, Saturday and Monday NCAA championship games

April 12 -20, Passover

April 18 and 20, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday 

May 11, Sunday Mothers Day

May 26, Monday, Memorial Day

June 15, Sunday Father’s Day

June 19, Thursday, Juneteenth Independence Day

July 4, Friday, Independence Day

September 1, Monday, Labor Day

Oct 1,  Wednesday -Thursday Yom Kippur

October 13, Monday, Columbus/Indigenous Peoples Day

October 31, Friday, Halloween

November 11, Tuesday, Veterans Day

November 27, Thursday, Thanksgiving Day

November 28, Black Friday

December 14- 22 Hanukkah 

December 25 Thursday

In Conclusion
“No Matter What Happens, Your fault, My fault – Nobody’s fault”
(John Wayne-Big Jake)

In today’s labor/material shortages, even one slight misstep (by anyone) can lead lenders and agents to lose a buyer’s or seller’s repeat business and lifetime of referrals. 

Rarely do clients acknowledge their part when the deal goes south; they blame others for the sour taste in their mouth as movers show up late (if at all), utilities don’t get turned on, or maintenance people arrive.

Most likely, they blame their agent! Or their MLO.

Or, BOTH! 

Hopefully, the insights I provided here will help you avoid that!

FYI: When a deal ends badly, the MLO should take the blameMost agents rely on their Sphere of Influence for a successful career. 

The MLO should take responsibility so agents can go on holidays and family without stressing. Ater all, the agent is an MLO referral source; unhappy clients aren’t!!!

Copywrite © August, 2018 Daniel Dobbs MHM Mortgage /// All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Daniel Dobbs, Author- VP-Broker Mutual Home Mortgage 265 S. Randolph #120 Brea, Ca. 92821 Cell: 949 250-3981 NMLS #307631 BRE #00986886